Deploying a new phone system can be time consuming, resource zapping, and downright confusing if you're not used to it. The telecomms world is full of acronyms (see our glossary for help) and technical terms. We understand all of that, and that's why we offer project management services to customers, even if they aren't taking their VoIP services or other products from us.
From dealing with wayleave, to liaising with suppliers. We can take control of your deployment to ensure it is delivered as smoothly as possible, safe in the knowledge that when they start speaking in tongues, we will be there to translate it into something meaningful.
Obviously we would love for you to take your VoIP and Internet services from us, but we know that's not always possible due to existing contracts, partner relationships with parent companies, and decision maker's preference higher up in your organisation. The value we can add is advising on all of the component parts to ensure they will work together. We can survey and evaluate your existing infrastructure to tell you if it's capable of supporting VoIP, to help you define a roadmap and plan for the future. We can advise you on the next steps your business needs to take to avoid costly investments in the future.
You could post a job advert online looking for a short term contractor... Or, you could just hire us. It saves you the hassle of interviewing candidates, and it gives you the benefit of trusted and experienced personnel at your disposal, to draw on as you see fit, much like an accountant or a solicitor. You can buy a block of days up front and call them off when needed, or progress through the project knowing how much effort has accrued and what the final bill will be. We are transparent with our charges, so there won't be any hidden fees or costs at the end. Just good technical input from trusted professionals.
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