In simple terms, it's a visual representation of the coverage of your WiFi connectivity. Using specialist software we can plot the signal strength of your access points around your building. Modern WiFi uses two different frequency ranges, 2.4 GHz and 5GHz, and these have differing characteristics when it comes to their ability to penetrate walls and other immovable objects. Building materials have different effects on WiFi signal too. For example, reinforced concrete and heat reflective glass are very good at blocking or reflecting these signals and creating dead spots where you would least expect them.
We will conduct the survey using purpose built mapping software, taking frequent measurements and plotting them onto a floor plan of your premises. The results will show heat maps for both the 2,4GHz and 5GHz frequencies. We wrap this into a fully documented report showing all of our findings. Past surveys have highlighted mis-configured access points, rouge access points, dead spots caused by racking that had been moved and also areas where interference from other networks has caused significant problems. It gives peace of mind that your WiFi estate is working as it should be, where you need it, and it gives you the opportunity to address the issues we find for reliable connectivity.
Get in touch with us now to book your survey slot. We try to not to be intrusive, although we can carry out these surveys outside of business hours if required. We present the results clearly and with no additional sales pitch.
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